We are proud to announce that we have remodeled our online store along with updates for better service and convenience! You can see it by pointing your smartphone or desktop browser to shop.thebigjohnshow.com and let us know what you think. Our online store will continue to have a range of audio products that you hear on the shows (“The Big John Show” & “Bravo Sierra with Big John”) with some physical products from our other brands you can purchase. This is our little space in the world where you can help support the show. You can sign up for email updates, send gift certificates, get additional services from our partners, and more! In addition, we will be adding more to it soon and making minor updates / fixes over the next week. So if you happen to see something glitch, don’t panic, we are working on it behind the scenes. Again, we welcome you to our online store, shop.thebigjohnshow.com, and look forward to serving you in the future!