— This blog post is directed to the Executive Order from the Michigan Governor, in which you can read the full document by clicking here. —
“By April 13, 2020, refrain from the advertising or promotion of goods that are not groceries, medical supplies, or items that are necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and basic operation of residences.” – Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmire
(BEEP!) You, Michigan! Beer, Bait, and Ammo are essential! Music, computers, TV’s, Roku’s, Cell Phones (Android), Alexa, they are all “Essential” to keep people entertained if they want to hear The Big John Show and the TBJS Radio Network during your prison / quarantine.
Okay, all joking aside, you have NO idea how much of an economic impact this will have on broadcasters (TV & Radio), magazines, and newspapers. For a governor of a state to issue this Bravo-Sierra, it’s asinine and very short sighted. Do you really think people don’t need to know about special sales going on at the now struggling “mom and pop” businesses? That government loan plan doesn’t cover every small business. People are going to listen to the local radio stations, watch the local TV stations, and read those publishings for entertainment and pandemic updates.
For those broadcasters and publishers to survive, they need advertising dollars (at least). IF they can’t advertise their local businesses, then there’s a strong chance that no one will know about them or the going-out-of-business sale they might be having to go through as a result of this COVID-19 situation. If the businesses don’t have people come shop at their locale, in which they pay to advertise so word can get out, they can’t generate money to pay the taxes, or arguably more important, their employees. That hurts a lot more from there.
Again, bass-ackwards. I get what she is trying to do, but I can’t believe there are radio, tv, and newspapers who are willing to take this. This is an overreach of power. I would be the first one to flip the bird in the direction to the mansion in OKC if our governor decided to do this. My heart, thoughts, and prayers are with you my radio family.
Thank you for your time,
Big John